Along with claiming the lives of 1.2 million Americans, the covid-19 pandemic has been described as a mass disabling event.

Estimates of prevalence range considerably, depending on how researchers define long covid in a given study, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts it at 17 million adults.

Despite long covid’s vast reach, the federal government’s investment in researching the disease — to the tune of $1.15 billion as of December — has so far failed to bring any new treatments to market.

    2 months ago

    Thank you, on the day I was going to get my second booster I became violently ill from Covid, I was bed ridden with a very high fever for nearly 2 weeks (which wasn’t easy, living alone), and ever since then (november 2022) I have limited energy.

    With some careful planning I managed to work full time again, but don’t expect too much extra from me.