counterpoint: it’s the far more prevalent mentality of “blaming foolish consumers” that ruins it for the rest of us.
Expecting consumers to ever do differently at scale is a dead-end fantasy we all need to stop having.
Only market regulation stops manipulative market practices.
Doing anything less then “advocating for laws to stop this shit” izza giant waste of brain cells, yet i see threads of people making that useless case every time something like this happens.
Change will not come from consumers voting with their wallets, FULL STOP
If someone readin thinking it will, NEVER think this again.
Hey! I see you, looking for an example of consumer action making a difference: Go find me 100 more. You’ll need about 100 to start make up for alla times deregulation have hurt and currently hurting consumers now.
Hear me: anyone advocating for consumer action or blaming consumers is doing them companies dry-fucking us a huge favor. These bad actors can and will continue as long as it is legal to do so.
When it comes to video games, idgaf if someone wants to give a game dev thousands of their own dollars because they want to pay an idiot tax.
It’s a free market, and we’re all free to just not play the fucking game. Actually that’s the default so just doing nothing is plenty.
I get what you’re saying but we’re not talking about groceries here, we’re talking about something that could literally cease to exist and aside from some folks maybe being out of work nobody would even notice or care. I do agree though that strong regulation is much better than expecting consumers to stop consuming something as long as it’s a necessary thing or something with quite inelastic demand (ie: medicine).
Yeah, i don’t disagree with a thing ya wrote. I’m not claiming that people shouldn’t care; just that it’s better to push for regulatory change rather than trying to affect change thru collective consumer action/raising awareness.
Well, that and all the people buying the game full price day one. Even here on Lemmy I’ve seen comments unapologetically saying they bought it minute one, day one.
What exactly is the issue with buying it minute one day one exactly? How many minutes, hours, or days after release do they have to wait to avoid your arbitrarily defined disgust?
It’s almost like there’s this loud vocal minority that companies keep ignoring because they keep making money doing what they’re doing. Like if it wasn’t profitable and predictable I’m pretty sure publishers would stop what they’re doing.
I bought it the night before it released so I could download it and have it ready to play. At that point, I had played hours of the betas, had seen interviews with the developers, and had read various reviews that were overall very favorable. And just from playing it one day I’m very happy with my purchase.
I understand people disagreeing with it being a worthwhile purchase but calling it “shameful”, “disgusting”, or “disturbing” is actually really disappointing for me to see. It’s just buying a video game when it releases. You can have a complaint about a product without being so judgemental about people who find it valuable enough to buy even with its faults. Let people enjoy things.
This is the thing though. Let ppl have their opinion of you. You did a selfish thing, thought screw the community or lack there of. Let people shame you for being selfish, value is perspective at least enjoy it.
The level of hyperbole in this thread is incredible. I can’t imagine getting this geeked over something this trivial. People are still talking about horse armor in this thread, it’s like referencing Leroy Jenkins, I can tell when you stopped paying attention to games. Like, it’s OK to move on too, but major “Stop having fun!” energy here.
This is the mentality that ruins it for the rest of us. It’s shameful.
Well scratch that off of a game I will ever play
counterpoint: it’s the far more prevalent mentality of “blaming foolish consumers” that ruins it for the rest of us.
Expecting consumers to ever do differently at scale is a dead-end fantasy we all need to stop having.
Only market regulation stops manipulative market practices.
Doing anything less then “advocating for laws to stop this shit” izza giant waste of brain cells, yet i see threads of people making that useless case every time something like this happens.
Change will not come from consumers voting with their wallets, FULL STOP
If someone readin thinking it will, NEVER think this again.
Hey! I see you, looking for an example of consumer action making a difference: Go find me 100 more. You’ll need about 100 to start make up for alla times deregulation have hurt and currently hurting consumers now.
Hear me: anyone advocating for consumer action or blaming consumers is doing them companies dry-fucking us a huge favor. These bad actors can and will continue as long as it is legal to do so.
When it comes to video games, idgaf if someone wants to give a game dev thousands of their own dollars because they want to pay an idiot tax.
It’s a free market, and we’re all free to just not play the fucking game. Actually that’s the default so just doing nothing is plenty.
I get what you’re saying but we’re not talking about groceries here, we’re talking about something that could literally cease to exist and aside from some folks maybe being out of work nobody would even notice or care. I do agree though that strong regulation is much better than expecting consumers to stop consuming something as long as it’s a necessary thing or something with quite inelastic demand (ie: medicine).
Yeah, i don’t disagree with a thing ya wrote. I’m not claiming that people shouldn’t care; just that it’s better to push for regulatory change rather than trying to affect change thru collective consumer action/raising awareness.
Well, that and all the people buying the game full price day one. Even here on Lemmy I’ve seen comments unapologetically saying they bought it minute one, day one.
It’s kind of disgusting to see, tbh.
What exactly is the issue with buying it minute one day one exactly? How many minutes, hours, or days after release do they have to wait to avoid your arbitrarily defined disgust?
Disturbing? Yes. Surprising? No, sadly.
You have weeks or months of “this thing doesn’t look good, the beta sucked, it’s just the same as before etc.” Then millions of people buy it anyway.
It’s almost like there’s this loud vocal minority that companies keep ignoring because they keep making money doing what they’re doing. Like if it wasn’t profitable and predictable I’m pretty sure publishers would stop what they’re doing.
Yup, they’re different people. The people complaining likely aren’t buying it, and the people buying it are likely ignoring the complaining threads.
I bought it the night before it released so I could download it and have it ready to play. At that point, I had played hours of the betas, had seen interviews with the developers, and had read various reviews that were overall very favorable. And just from playing it one day I’m very happy with my purchase.
I understand people disagreeing with it being a worthwhile purchase but calling it “shameful”, “disgusting”, or “disturbing” is actually really disappointing for me to see. It’s just buying a video game when it releases. You can have a complaint about a product without being so judgemental about people who find it valuable enough to buy even with its faults. Let people enjoy things.
This is the thing though. Let ppl have their opinion of you. You did a selfish thing, thought screw the community or lack there of. Let people shame you for being selfish, value is perspective at least enjoy it.
The level of hyperbole in this thread is incredible. I can’t imagine getting this geeked over something this trivial. People are still talking about horse armor in this thread, it’s like referencing Leroy Jenkins, I can tell when you stopped paying attention to games. Like, it’s OK to move on too, but major “Stop having fun!” energy here.
The author mentioned Horse armor’s probs why commenters are bringing it up