How the hell are the democrats the party of enriching the wealthy when compared to the fucking R’s?? I mean fucking hell have any of you ever read a book or even glanced at historic and current R policy?
I don’t think its “compared” to the Rs but just in general they are good for “rich ppl yacht” money. Your instant move to compare the two parties (making bad policy OK by comparing it to “OH FUCK” policy) is why the usa is in the state it is now.
Despite all the myths Democrats are better for the economy. They always produce better numbers.
rich ppl yacht money “economy”, sure
Nonsense. Disappointed this gets upvotes.
How the hell are the democrats the party of enriching the wealthy when compared to the fucking R’s?? I mean fucking hell have any of you ever read a book or even glanced at historic and current R policy?
Realistically the right makes things worse for the 90%, the centre makes things worse for the 90% but slower. At least in recent history.
I don’t think its “compared” to the Rs but just in general they are good for “rich ppl yacht” money. Your instant move to compare the two parties (making bad policy OK by comparing it to “OH FUCK” policy) is why the usa is in the state it is now.
Uh no? Compare employment numbers from whichever source you prefer. Democratic presidents have lower unemployment.
That’s not true. They definitely should do way more to help the working class but the numbers show that the economy in general is better under them.