For most of these NBA players making tens of millions of dollars, why would they care about a measly $500k, as to them it is nothing. And guaranteeing a playoff spot for the winner might be a little extreme, so what should the prize be? More money?

  • Panzer_I@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The median (not mean because some players make bank) NBA salary is 4.3 million, that’s before taxes. Half the league makes 4.3 mil or less. 500k is a lot of money. Even if you make 10 mil, 500k is a lot of money. It’s like a 5% bonus. Every superstar has a cool teammate whose making alot less, bench boys deserve to get paid.

    Also it counts to record. Why do players care about the regular season? They get paid to, it’s their job, and they want to win. No player WANTS to lose.

    Plus, if it does well, it boosts ratings, which boosts profits, which boosts salaries in the future.

    More money in the future or it mattering for the playoffs or the tournament itself getting prestige would make more people care about it.

    TLDR: Desire to win + Money is cool