Ohh they are going up a floor, what could possibly go wrong? It is only some hurricane, nothing special.
Fuck this shit and this disgusting prison system. How obvious can they be about not seeing inmates as humans?
Ohh they are going up a floor, what could possibly go wrong? It is only some hurricane, nothing special.
Fuck this shit and this disgusting prison system. How obvious can they be about not seeing inmates as humans?
“military offensive” - yikes. Shattering blow against civilians maybe. IDF seemed well and running just a day after. How is this a news piece? It is outright propaganda.
Sometimes i still by accident (while bored) open a tab of reddit in my brwoser. Realizing with disgust where i went, i close that shit just as fast as i opened it. It is not getting better over there and the percentage of absolute morons grows steadily. It will soon be what facebook is today.
Thanks bro, all the workout is paying of [ o ][ o ]
Potential targets? Sir, thats everybody.
It is a badge i would wear with honor, because soy is awesome and the myth is bullshit.
I mean i am too poor and don’t need a car but i could see myself buying a tesla once elon really is gone and the other two factors change for me.
It is not out yet. I hope it gets mod support.
What makes me think it is not both?
Well lets take a step back and look at how many pedophiles there are in the population. While we do not know the exact numbers the educated guesses, from rather too few studies that we have, range from 1% to 5%, most putting it at around 3%. I do not really believe that a tiny minority holds such powers as to influence politics or we would not have an AOC in the first place.
In order to understand why there are people advocating for low ages of marriage i would do take a look at our younger past and ask, why WAS the age for marriage low? And the answer, while not much more pleasent, is much simpler than: we somehow have pedohiles leading the world in the shadows. It is much easier to secure marriages that way, because guess what, children have not much say in their lives. So a powerful or rich person can simply chose whom to marry, take a bunch of money and their victim has no power over the decision. It is terrible but it has not much to do with the sexuality of a minority.
So in short i would say occams razor tells us that it is rather unlikely that these policies are pushed by pedophiles, even if some or even many of them might agree with the goal.
I can not really talk about Republican Senators (as i am not an US citizen) but the reason why child abuse is rampant in the catholic church is because the instituational structures foster abuse. Abusers, in turn, tend to go for the easiest victims. Children sadly are not only easy victims, they are also in the care of those priests, leading to many cases of child abuse. I know it is not an easy pill to swallow, but most of these priests are simply put, predators that had children available to them. If they had to care for vulnerable adults, they might have had preferred those. If you are interested i can link you a study about how many perpetrators of child abuse are in fact not pedophiles.
I know it is easy to see children getting the short end of the stick and to cry out “DAMN PEDOPHILIA” but it is really not helpful. There need not be any pedophiles for children to get abused, sexually or not. Let us keep that in mind while we all fight for more and better childrens rights.
Edit: grammar
Can we not conflate religion, control over peoples authority and pedophilia? This is not about diddling children, this is about shackling people before they really can have a say in the matter. Crying about pedophilia is what the other side does too. It wont open anyones eyes to the true motives.
I know that. Those are two different things the police does however. One i think is smart and catches predators the the other perpetrates the very thing they are sworn to destroy in order to get their cases.
Wake me up when all billionares have lost so much money there are none left.
Posing as a child is not a criminal act. Posting cp however is. Not sure which of these two you mean so id say you are talking probably about the first.
Cops being criminal should not even be able to lead to an arrest but i guess the police does not exist to fight crime but to fill prisons.
Disconnecting from the people around me does not sound healthy but you do you.
I have no problem with buying more expensive, high quality stuff. The problem is that the higher price often simply means meaningless features instead of good durability. The mouse i am using right now cost me 150€ and i hoped it was more durable but the right click is already not working properly. Garbage.
If i could trust companies to actually put out stuff that lasts a life time i would love to have it. This however simply sounds like another move to increase the companies value for its shareholders.
Clothing is a whole other matter and again as consumer it is really hard to know whether your money goes to quality or simply marketing and “good feeling”.
When everything you buy as a consumer tends to break fast they will have no real choice but to go for cheap crap.
So what they mean is we have received expensive garbage that had a short shelf life from the very beginning and they would now rather make a “quality” product and milk us dry for owning it? Sure sounds like a good idea for shareholders.
If i could choose one job it would be to fuck CEOs and shareholders with rusty razor blades.
Are you talking about people not wanting to be your friend because of you going/being vegan? I have yet to meet someone like this. Not sure i would try to befriend those people anyways, sounds like a special breed of intolerant prick.
Disgusting but i guess a third world country does not have the resources to evecuate everyone.