Hot Saucerman


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2020


  • Taking away your labor power from chucklefucks who use the sweat of your brow to continue to oppress you is good praxis.

    People talk about boycotting by not buying things from certain companies, but not enough people commit to not giving their labor to those companies in exchange for a paycheck. That’s a boycott, too. When you’re working for them, you’re literally helping them believe the dumbfuck shit they believe, and allowing them to use their financial largess to influence the media to promote their dumbfuck bullshit.

    Standing up for the people who no longer are “economically viable” means something. But go ahead, let your boss say your parents should just die when they’re too damaged to work. Laugh with them about it. Go ahead and be a callous asshole who won’t stand up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves.

  • I think that’s valid, but from what I’ve seen, it mostly relates to Western propaganda against China.

    I don’t trust the US or Chinese governments, really, but I can at least admit from a Western perspective, a lot of stuff promoted about China is propaganda, and I don’t disagree with the admins that it can be perceived as “racist.” I agree with the admins on that and it seems that is mostly where the accusations lie, with them supporting China. I think that’s fair and China is just as full of actual real humans (actually more) than the US and other Western nations. Painting all US citizens or all Chinese citizens with a broad brush isn’t acceptable. Valid critiques of their government should be, but a lot of Western critiques can often (and should) be dismissed as not valid, highly propagandist, or even racist.

    Example: US people complaining about China’s “Social Credit Score” while having no issues with the US “Economic Credit Score” even though they achieve similar goals.

    Anyway, that’s what I’ve seen. People post something that’s anti-China from a Western perspective and admins remove it.

    Also, “if you don’t agree you can gtfo” is kind of the entire point of federation. You can always choose another instance that these guys don’t run. I think that’s an entirely valid attitude, and it’s one that allows the Fediverse to grow instead of stagnate on one server.

  • Definition of concern trolling. As if Reddit gives a shit about your privacy either.

    Reddit: You’re giving your information to strangers! You don’t know what they’ll do it with it!

    Me: Weren’t you going to sell my data?

    Reddit: Yeah, but that’s different! We’re a respectable adult capitalist business. These are fucking commie pinko freaks we’re talking about here!

    All options that aren’t federated are just as reasonably suspect when it comes to good stewardship of your data. A federated universe means if you really are that worried about it, you can spin up your own instance and be able to trust yourself with your own data.

    Also, is it really a shocker that Reddit would turn to McCarthy-era Red Scare tactics? What’s next, hiring the fucking Pinkertons like Wizards of the Coast did?

  • I mean, I keep coming back to that being the entire point of the Fediverse.

    Sure, it means in some ways discussion can be different on different servers, but isn’t that the entire point? To not have a single point of failure? If one instance puts down draconian rules that makes a certain community unwelcome, then why not move to an instance that you feel is welcoming?

    In other words, post where you feel like, and/or where the people are. I really don’t have an issue with cross-posting to other instances or having different discussions about the same subject.

    Some instances have defederated with others, so another aspect of this is having multiple communities means people who have been defederated can still take part in the same community on a still federated instance.

  • I stated a similar sentiment elsewhere. The reason the discussions on reddit became less rigorous and interesting is a case of Eternal September. As you make a site more user-friendly and accessible, you actually are inviting a lot of users who are would have been unwilling to learn a slight learning curve. Maybe it’s remiss of me to say, but I think it speaks to their unwillingness to change their minds or being willing to view a new perspective about much.

    As an older person here who was on Slashdot and left for Digg and then left to reddit, I genuinely think having a slight learning curve prevents people who would otherwise be shitposters and nothing else from joining the fray. I really would like to see high quality discussions online thrive again like they often did in the early days reddit (and where they often still do on its predecessor, hackernews), and as elitist as it is to say, I think having it be a little more technical and confusing isn’t a bad thing.

    Also, as an older person here, if people are willing to figure out the initially quite confusing way that Discord works, they can figure this out, too.