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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • The only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary.

    Those who fail to plan plan to fail…

    Sure, being an entrepreneur sounds easy, but is it? to become one most would agree you need to have experience, be a subject matter export in your craft, able to take risks and have a good work ethic…then you need a business plan. The plan can be a simple outline on a napkin, but will map out what your ultimate goal is with all that is needed to reach that goal…a business does not have to be brick & mortar nor glamours. The business can be as easy as dog watching (as long as it makes you income)…

  • School (university) was not for me. Why? because it was NOT teaching me a tangible employable marketable skill set that I could hit the ground running…I decided to learn some tangible skills early on (Computer Aided Drafting) granted me the ability to get a job within the automotive industry. Like many others, I worked hard for 10+ years to make a good 6-figure income. While being laid off, I started a side hustle (trades) and now make 2-3x what I did as a designer!..my skill set cant be taught in school, nor can a work ethic. Sure, when laid off I could have spend 50k on a degree with the chance of being over educated and under employed OR invest that $$ into ME and start something…which I did. So its all subject to YOUR personal skill sets, drive, work ethic, demographics.

  • School is NOT for everyone nor is it needed to start a business or a career. What you do need is a tangible marketable employable skill set…Why waste $50-100k on a bachelors degree, then more on a graduate degree when you can invest in yourself! (thats what I did)…some of the largest yacht owners at my yacht club do not have degrees yet have amazing businesses.