You can buy these in the hospital gift shop, I’m sure.
But how can you afford it when your claim has been denied?
The shirts are only $3949.99 it’s so affordable you can buy six for the price of one ER visit.
A tax of 20,000% has been imposed for any merchandise deemed to be a threat to
the health insurance industryahem I mean— national security, including any item with the words “Deny, Defend, Depose” on it.Plus 25% after that for the tariffs on all materials
I wonder if the shadow noose is intentional.
I wish the noose wasn’t there. It’s unrelated to the incident, and it’s a method of murder associated with black people, not CEOs. Make it a guillotine or just a normal shadow.
I think it’s meant to mean that the CEO looks like just a guy there, but from the shadows he is really actively threatening the life of the guy shooting at him.
You wot m8, we’ve been hanging people for millennia
In the US specifically, there is an association with lynching. Lynching was the preferred method of white towns for dealing with any black person they felt stepped out of line or committed a crime from about 1865-1965. This article provides a good run down.
A lot were hung from the neck to their death, many (maybe most?) victims of lynchings were only “strung up” for display after they were already slowly tortured to death, such as cutting off the victims’ fingers and ears, genitals, stabbing them with corkscrews to pull out twitching entrails and chunks of muscle, beaten nearly to death, and thrown on a fire, still writhing, or all of the above, such Luther Holbert in 1904. I don’t think I’ve seen photos of one lynching were the bodies weren’t bloodied and battered, if not utterly mutilated.
The association of nooses, of gallows executions, with lynching understates the inhumanity and depravity of it. The public display of such senseless brutality, based solely on race, was the point: it was to keep everyone, white and black, in line, as you put it. White kids took home fingers and teeth as souvenirs; it seems to me that it usually had nothing to do with whatever pretext. The pretexts used to justify the lynchings, such as one US Army private who refused to empty his pockets before shopping, or one free man who addressed a sheriff by the name on his shirt without saying Mister first, are things that were not crimes.
The reasons didn’t actually matter to the perpetrators, victims didn’t actually have to commit a crime to be singled and murdered. Even when there was a criminal charge, it was usually bogus and the trial was always a sham. I’m not trying to pick on you Maggoty but I like you so I want you to appreciate what you’re saying.
You don’t like me, I’m Pro Palestinian. You’re also talking to someone that grew up in a border state reading all the history books the state told us not to read because they’re “embarrassing.” I’m keeping it simple for the foreigners. And hanging them, even if it was just the body made the noose an effective icon. So much so the the KKK took to leaving a noose in a nearby tree as a warning, and they still do it. Anyone who wants to be super literal can go look at Emmett Till’s face.
Nah I can disagree and still like you. You’re smart and kind, I can tell.
I’ll remember that the next time we meet over Israel.
It’s a good article. I think there is a large are of the US where the symbolism of a noose is going to be deeply embedded in the social understanding as referencing lynchings.
Yeah, pirates come to mind when I think about the noose.
I kinda feel like what they’re going for is a “shoot the rope” thing with that shadow.
Agreed. It reads as the “shooter” killing a mass murderer whose noose/shadow kills all those it touches.
Interesting take, and I like the idea, but I think a noose is the wrong imagery for the US.
Associated with black people… and centuries of executions prior that had nothing to do with color.
A noose over a tree I could see being more racial - kkk killings etc - but hanging is more of a “common persons execution” historically
So then why is it in the picture? Wouldn’t say this was a ‘common person’s death’. In fact, it’s the opposite. To me the imagery doesn’t match. And no matter how I agree with the larger sentiment, I’ll never wear anything with a noose on it.
The shadow of the noose is cast by the rich asshole, not over him… makes sense to me
There were quite a few pro British folks who were hanged by revolutionaries, also scalped but lets ignore the Minutemen.
It is a normal shadow for this scene. The light source is a street light directly above the shooter.
Yeah, it’s not associated with black people outside the US. It’s how serfs or common criminals are dealt with historically.
But this incident is very related to the US.
Class warfare is worldwide
Yes but US politics and history are US wide.
You guys may see hanging as racial. I think for the majority of the world, hanging is very similar to a guillotine, firing squad etc. It’s an antiquated execution method, not a racial attack.
Is this shirt intended for an audience outside of the US?
I’d say yes, to some extent but 90% for the US.
However, not really what the discussion was in reference to.
Didn’t know Saddam was black
He’s normally a type of reddish/orange when I see him lying down in all those memes.
That weird shadow looks nothing like a noose to me other than like a vague shape of a straight line meeting a closed shape that isn’t really that round or noose-like.
That’s extremely vague and wouldn’t fit with the rest of the art; everything else looks like what it is, cars, people, so it the shadow was suppose to depict a noose, why doesn’t it look like one?
It looks like a guitar to me
The grip of oppression is tight as a noose, but when they kick out the chair, heads will hang.
I just figured it was a reference to the CEO being a murderer.
Either that, or the knot are his massive balls
I think it’s meant to be a top-down shadow of his arms + gun, but just ends up looking like a noose
A price as cheap as lifesaving healthcare.
Only $19.95 at your friendly Walmart!
Despite initial reporting that the words were “deny,” “defend,” and “depose,” police clarified the following day that it was “delay” and not “defend” written on one of the casings.
I think it just means that there is a missing bullet (maybe never fired).
Obviously a reference to Delay, Deny, Defend, a common practice of insurance companies to maximize profit. The excerise is left to the reader to decide what “Depose” means.
Could be a major clue, perhaps this is someone who sued the company and they deposed him, which can be stressful/intimidating for the inexperienced.
Or this was someone trying to make it seem like it was motivated by claim denial, but botched the phrase.
Or the police might be misreporting this to catch false confessors.
Or pretty much anything else.I get the feeling that it was very intentional that depose was written in the casing of the cartridge that was fired.
Depose can mean to “remove from office suddenly and forcefully” like when a government is over thrown, the leader is deposed.
In this context, the CEO was deposed by no longer being able to fulfill his role as CEO due to a severe and acute case of death.
The fact that “delay, deny, depose” is the general policy for insurance companies is the motivation for using that specific term over others. “Delay, deny and depose me? I’ll depose you.” Kind of thing.
I think it makes a very loud and very clear message.
“Three fired cartridge cases alongside three unfired cartridges were found at the scene. The words “delay”, “deny”, and “depose” were written on the cases. “Depose” was inscribed on a casing from a round fired into Thompson, while “delay” was marked on an unfired cartridge ejected as the shooter racked the pistol, possibly to clear a jam or intentionally discard the live round.”
The shadow looks like it’s supposed to resemble something, but I guess it’s just oddly drawn.
Isn’t it a noose?
Hmm, maybe, although the rope is unusually thick at the bottom.
I think the shadow is from a streetlight just behind and above the shooter.
The fact that the CEO doesn’t have one makes it look particularly odd.
That’s because you can only have a shadow if you have a soul.
It is, but since it leads directly to the legs of the CEO who has no shadow, it looks like it’s supposed to resemble something rather than being a simple shadow. It’s just not drawn very well.
Where buy? is a small screen printer selling them.
Damn I just went on a shopping spree
Corpo gig means I can’t wear most of the shit there but I’m glad someone supports them. They’re a cool shop
I’ve never hit buy so fast in my life!
Wasn’t “delay” instead of “defend”? Been finding both versions all the time.
I believe the original reporting incorrectly stated it was defend. The saying is “delay, deny, depose” which is standard operating procedure for insurance companies in the US.
In this case, the CEO was deposed.
I stand corrected. Thank you.
Looks like a KMFDM album cover.
I feel like Lemmy would appreciate this one
More life Operation Ivy I think .
I’d buy the album just based on this being the cover.
I also enjoy kmfdm in general…
Unrelated note, does anyone have access to a copy of UHC Sans and UHC serif font files? The only place i can find them is corporat-only
Made one that matches very closely if anyone is interested
What the fuck is up with that grip? It looks like he’s delicately holding the bottom half of the pistol grip with his fingertips.
Edit, just to be clear: I thought his grip looked fine in the video. This artist’s rendition just looks weird. I might actually buy this if they made him look like a competent shooter.
What makes you think cops are competent?
Anyone have a link to the proper video that isn’t cut short by a news agency?
Honestly surprisingly hard to find even though I saw the uncut video day after without too much work.
Here’s a link I found but the website is called deepgoretube Lmao so maybe don’t browse much more than that video unless you have a gore thing
And this copy of the video is from someone recording a screen with a camera so not the best, I don’t care enough to find a better version though
Fuckyeah, thanks broski!
Is this generated? So many things just look…weird
Extremely tasteless
You are supposed to wear it, not eat it. Dummy.
You weren’t supposed to lick it.
Don’t say this to a geologist
It might be bad taste, but it’s certainly not senseless… It has a scratch-and-sniff feature that smells of cordite.
Bad bait
I’ll take five.
How does getting stupidly rich off denying lifesaving healthcare for thousands resulting in further complications and some their death taste to you?
In the absence of justice, people will settle for vengeance. We are well past morality determining outcomes.
It is art
I know, nice to see that someone did something in response to the tasteless denial of healthcare for a change.
That shirt does indeed, go hard.