Editing to let people know that I will be blocking anyone who feels the need to tell me why this graph is inaccurate. I truly don’t care, but feel free to chime in with your useless take and land a spot on my block list! 🙂

  • Fedo[T] ¶@www.foxyhole.io
    2 months ago

    @rglullis@communick.news I think is far more complex than that, but this:

    In other worlds, does this mean that the only reason that the Fediverse is small is because it is not as addictive as the other social networks?

    may be kinda true. Just think about how much time you spend on Instagram (if you use it) by actually talking/socialising vs how much time you just consume passively contents and ads. Chances are that the Fediverse is where most of your actual interactions take place. In this sense I really liked your comparison with unhealty food, however if quitting bad food habits means usually to improve your life, quitting social networks often means to cut relations to communities you may heavily rely on, especially if you are a memeber of a marginalised community. There is a whole history about black community trying Mastodon during the Twitter migration and mostly ditching it because the platform wasn’t so welcoming after all but mostly because the black community sticking to Twitter was just too important. Is only an example that shows that communities tend to stick together and move away mostly for cultural and historical reasons.

    So as Gollum loved and hated the ring, communities hate and love their platforms, but most of all they love density. I think the Fediverse have a chance only if we stop using the commercial platforms as a paradigm and even if many users ditch the Fediverse after the first try, the most motivated of them choose to stay because the genuinely like it, and they may be enohght to form a dense enought user base that can motivate communities to form and stick here