I just searched “nazi salute” on r/conservative… and its just such insane denialism…
Like, what if musk just do the “Heil H**ler” too?
I wonder what excuses they’ll make then?
Fake News?
r/conservative should be renamed to r/neonazi
Probably just say he was joking.
This is what I think would be most probable too. It’s still too socially stigmatized to outright say something that effectively just means “I’m a Nazi,” so they’d have to play it off as some kind of joke.
I do, however, think a lot of them would suddenly, for no reason in particular, begin saying things like “Well, Hitler was a bad guy, but he did have some good ideas…” while going on to describe some of the worst ideas known to man.
The Apollo program was done by Nazis and that wasn’t so bad /s
Well, it certainly explains a lot about SpaceX’s success…
This is already a thing
He did built a shit ton of highways so he couldn’t be that bad
The answer might shock you.
Just like, uh, lightning would.
c/fuckcars strongly objects.
I suspect there isn’t much overlap between c/fuckcars and r/conservatives
you think swasticar hakencruiser glazers don’t hate cars!? why ever not!? could it be your years of life experience and being able to see patterns?
They all like their Frauhauspanzers and Bro Dozers. I think when the diesel douchbags on YouTube started breaking the deploreans (incidentally because the subframes are aluminum), that musk finally realized that even a car as militantly threatening as the cybertruck wouldn’t sway conservatives. I think he might be looking to rug pull TSLA and try to shoot the moon on debt.
Also animal rights? Guess who you can thank that for?
Its absurd to realise that he cared more the animals than about millions of people.
Yep, he was full of absurd dissonance like that.
“Even hitler cared about germany… or something…”
Well, after they wash the jizz out of their pants, they’ll probably try to gaslight us into thinking it was just a joke and he was doing a parody and we’re just too dumb and librul to understand.
“A masterclass in owning the woke snowflakes”, or something like that
“He was just joking bro, don’t be such a snowflake.”
“He’s just trolling.”
Meh I’m sure half of the Republicans would just say that a dictatorship is better for the economy and not care how it hurts people.
This dictatorship helps me… at least against you, so it’s good.
Wooooooow, how ableist of you. Don’t you know he has autism and ADHD? He obviously didn’t know what he was doing.
If you’re on ketamine you can’t be hold accountable for your actions taps head
“Clearly a joke”
it was an awkward verbal tic
He’s autistic, let’s be a little more respectful of people with mental illness?
Using his autism as a shield while insulting autistic people by calling it a mental illness in the same sentence, brilliant.
Already prep response:
So we agreed he has no place running anything?
“Oh no, he was just saying ‘hail hit her.’ Because one of his ex-wives got hit by frozen rain that one time.”
Or some ridiculous mental gymnastics horse shit like that.
People forget that how we got “Let’s go, Brandon.”
I don’t think that’s accurate. It’s more the fact that our media is so afraid to call out fascists and Nazis they’ll literally invent an implausible scenario…
hail hit her
And they’ll say the hand gesture is just “pointing at sky to desmontrate how the hail fell on her”
I’d guess they would start saying Hitler was a really good guy.
More likely would be “heil Trump”. Validating Trump as Fuhrer of America. Conservatives might be ok with this. Watch for congress to burn, and blame on DNC, that results in banning the party.
“No, you misheard. He said ‘Kyle Kitler.’ What? No. I have no idea who that is either.”
They’d suddenly become autism experts
“The left just looove to call people racists and Nazis, and he gave them exactly what they were asking for and now they’re losing their minds. He’s the world’s biggest troll! I think it was hilarious, honestly - sure, he probably shouldn’t have done it, yeah, it wasn’t pc, but you call people Nazis long enough, what do you expect. Everyones a Nazi, everyone’s racist, meanwhile you’ve got liberals voting for people who sleep their way into positions of power and politicians who want to bus in votes from Mexico. It’s all bullshit smoke and mirrors. Politicians are all dirty. I like Trump because he doesn’t care what the mainstream thinks- he’ll burn it all down if he needs to to drain the swamp, and he’s doing it while thumbing his nose at the political establishment with statements like this.”
I just realized that you said Musk and not Trump. But honestly, a Trump supporter would probably hear “mumble mumble said Heil Hitler mumble” and assume you were talking about Trump anyway. I’m going to leave it as-is.
“OMG HE SAID IT!!!” and various posts celebrating it. Go look on 4chan’s random board and Im sure you’ll get a preview