Elon Musk claimed Sunday that electing former President Donald Trump in November is the “only way” to save the country from the tyranny of Democrats and illegal migrants.
The billionaire SpaceX, Tesla, and X CEO claimed the Democratic Party would naturalize enough non-citizens as voters during a Kamala Harris presidency to turn the US into a “one-party state.”
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The billionaire SpaceX, Tesla, and X CEO claimed the Democratic Party would naturalize enough non-citizens as voters
Naturalized non-citizens like… Elon Musk?
And why would the Democratic Party need new voters if there won’t be any more elections?
Hey hey no logic allowed here
Well ackschuallllly what he meant was that no other party will stand a chance so it will effectively be a one party system as so many “liberal” immigrants will become citizens that they’ll outnumber Republicans everywhere.
Even if that were true, which is truly ridiculous, new factions would pop up. If it swayed so far left that the Democrats always won, all the further left people would demand all the things they’ve been left without just to keep fascists from winning.
Basically, it would just be a leftward shift of the Overton window, which is LONNNG overdue. But it certainly wouldn’t be the end of elections, that’s stupid.
And that right there is why we need a sweeping blue victory. Kill off the crazy GOP of today, and let the left split into true left, and more traditional conservatives, or even center.
And not only that, he is also projecting that dem voters are forever destined to vote dem… you know you can appeal to people still by changing what you offer…
Sweet Jesus, I wish that Democratic voters and politicians were unified enough that if we had a solid majority in this country that we could be considered a one-party state. Even if we somehow did manage to finagle things such that we won the next election 60-40 or more, it’s obvious to anyone with a brain that we would immediately celebrate by turning on each other like dogs. The neolibs can’t stand the hippies. The hippies can’t stand the tech liberals. Most of the people pushed left by identifying with one oppressed minority group or another are in a coalition approximately as stable as the Balkans in 1913.
Democrats’ favorite activity is infighting. We like it more than winning elections. The times when we actually manage to get our shit together enough to win are the exception to the rule.
Every GOP accusation is projection. If Trump is elected, this will be the last election. Trump says so himself:
“Speaking to the faithful, the Republican nominee repeated his ominous prediction, promising, “You know what, It’ll be fixed! It will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians,” he said as he shook his head and placed his hand on the pledge position on the left side of his chest.” source
Fascists like elon musk don’t just lie, they exactly invert the truth.
He knows that trump winning ends democracy, so he goes into fascist mode and says the opposite. They do it all the time.
Projection. Goes great with obstruction and gaslighting.
Goes great(puts on monocle) Pairs well with obstruction and gaslighting.…and when you’re rich, they let you do it 🧐
Can we deport this shit stain to Mars yet?
… too close … deport him to the sun instead
Either way: use a Boeing rocket to send him there.
But then isn’t there a chance he gets left behind?
What’s left of him, you mean?
Takes too much energy. Deport him out of the solar system and let him spout his nonsense to Voyager.
Do you want V’Ger? Because that’s how you get V’Ger.
It’d be nice to have the certainty we’ll still be around in 2271.
It’s hard to aim, it’s always moving!!
The problem is, we want to go to Mars at some point, we don’t need his toxic ass ruining it anymore than it has been.
I vote expulsion from the known universe, sealed in a container similar to how we’ve stored nuclear waste.
Or back to south Africa.
The dusters won’t take him. Better just leave him in space
These fucking people, nothing but projection.
“no u” declares world’s most mature man.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Voting Trump is the only way to save democracy”
George Orwell, 1984Elon Musk, aspiring propaganda minister of TrumpSays the emerald mine nepo-baby from Apartheidland.
Can we just banish this South African immigrant? He can enjoy his home country and fuck right off with his authoritarian bs.
Elon getting so insane that if you simply do the opposite of what he says you will make the world better.
I remember the whole cave rescue and calling the rescue guy a pedophile. I feel like that was the moment people realized he was insane and not some real life Tony Stark
deleted by creator
Fucking same goddamnit.
That was the moment I realized he was either going to be Tony Stark or Lex Luther.
And then he goes and proves me wrong by being worse than ever imaginable.
Yeah, Lex Luthor is smart…
Yup I feel the same way, like that was the moment he snapped or the crazy finally came out. Before I was a big fan, but it went downhill from there pretty fast. Though I’ve heard him on the Lex Friedman podcast like a year ago, and then he came across pretty sane - he just acts insane a lot of other times as well.
I think before then he had a good PR team. That was the moment when he thought ‘What am I paying these guys for, I could do this just fine myself.’
Paging Pepperridge
mintFarms.Remember when trump said if he won they’d never have to vote again?
“Hi, Pepperidge Farms? Yeah, this is Peter Peppermint at Peppermint farms. I think our lines got crossed again. Yeah. Yeah. It was a page this time. Yeah. Oh no, we threw ours away after that Lebanon thing. Anywho, just wanted you to know. Cheers!”
Stupid pager. Always autocorrecting.
Can we have that man forcibly removed from our country please? He’s already proven to be threat to our democracy. If he wants to say dumb shit like this, he can do so from far away where our taxes aren’t paying for the services he’s using to circumvent it.
Put Space-X into a form of receivership first though. National interests must be protected.
(-_-メ) Please, no! I don’t think anyone else wants him… we only have one Tesla factory in this country and it’s on the news on a regular base. And it’s never good news.
Maybe we can try to make him want to sit in the next bar he sends to space himself
When all else fails, just tell flat out lies. It’s the Republican Way!
When all else fails, just tell flat out lies.
It’s the Roy Cohen way. He “educated” the weak, weird, old orange felon.
funny. he also said if he wins there wont be anymore elections. so in the vision of the maga tards no more elections. did the simpsons have that?
This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.
The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America.
There are some other eye opening parts but this one jumped out at me. He really does see the world from only his viewpoint. He thinks California changed for the worse but he could leave to Texas and still influence California using money even though people chose a different form of government than what he wanted.
For him, the collective choosing to change the system is very dangerous and it has to be forever in a status quo so rich people can play both sides.
I honestly wish he was smarter than this.
He made bank on California subsidies for tech and federal money for ev and space development by democrats and now he thinks they’re evil once he has enough money…
Hah, enough money!
He just can’t wring them for more, that’s why he left.