handsome looking fella
I hear he’s quite the handyman
It’s hard for him to find work. He can only find handjobs
I used to look like him when I was younger
If I had a Facebook I would post this to a Christian old mom Facebook group with something like
“This man was born with a rare disease where all his limbs are fingers, but through the strength he gained through prayer, he has managed to live out his life. Take him as an example and know all things can be solved through faith and prayer 🤲🙏”
You can always tell when it’s AI because there’s something a little off about the hands
this one, for example, one of the hands is bigger than the other. the placement is also slightly off to the attentive eye.
A true handyman.
I was thinking Thumbman, which I like because it doesn’t make any fucking sense but sounds catchy.
“Thumb man” doesn’t sound cool at all. However, “thumb ban” could be cool if people used this as their, “BANNED!” image in forums and chat 😁
now this… does put a smile on my face
High five!
Very beautiful picture!
Magikarp used SPLASH!
Thanks, I hate it.
he should fix that nasty hair and then he might be presentable