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- leopardsatemyface@lemmy.world
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- leopardsatemyface@lemmy.world
A new poll found that 71% of Trump voters oppose Medicaid cuts, while 82% of all voters reject them. Additionally, 60% of Trump voters said cutting food and nutrition programs is unacceptable.
Medicaid has become a key issue as House Republicans push for up to $2 trillion in budget cuts to advance Trump’s legislative agenda.
Their resolution directs the House Energy and Commerce Committee to find at least $880 billion in cuts.
This raises concerns that Medicaid, which covers 70 million people—mostly low-income and children—could be targeted despite GOP leaders downplaying benefit reductions.
Why did they vote for them?
because the system they exist in keeps them in the dark, and is programming them to be fanatically terrified of being woken up
Most rural “middle class” voters that fuel Red states are people who’ve been failed by the education system in one way or another, and distrust authority because of it. But they lack the media literacy to make distrust of authority positive. Instead, they are easily manipulated by crucial social figureheads.
“I distrust all authority except the ones that lie to me and make me feel good!”
Because they’re made to believe that they’re the underdog and so is the media they consume.
#1 news channel, #1 most viewed show Sean Hannity: “the main stream media are all liars!”
“Main stream” as if they aren’t the most popular show…
Helps that the party hated the same groups they do which is very important, and has God by their side. Might not agree with everything, but God is the one pillar of belief they will stand by no matter how much everyone suffers.
A group the church promotes is the holy one. You wouldn’t go against God would you just because those dirty heathens offer some enticing programs would you? That’s a road straight to hell.
Do they feel good though? Or are they in a perpetual state of fear and believe that there is nothing else out there but a zero sum game where everybody is out there to win at their loss?
The latter i think
They also live in areas with cable monopolies and no fiber alternative. You wouldn’t believe how aggressively the right-wing ads hammer these people every 15 minutes.
Not even gonna mention the radio, my god. I work construction, there are rules about what’s allowed on a jobsjte. Usually I’m on the side of “I don’t wanna hear your radio and you don’t wanna hear mine” because JAYSUS CHRIST the shit mfers like Jon Boy & Billy just casually throw out is atrocious
The radio gets worse the deeper you get into BFE, because often the only reliable radio stations you’ll get out there are all AM talk radio stations that have been thoroughly bought out by Murdoch et al.
Are you counting Putin’s psyops programs on social media as right wing too?
Why wouldn’t you?
I’ve always found it so ironic that the dipshits that let Faux “News” and hate radio take a dump in their skull every day, all day long, will go on and on about “the media”.
Me: “You mean the media you cannot tear yourself away from? The media that gives you your every thought? Do you really not see that your chosen outlets are also, by DEFINITION…‘the media’?”
It’s as if these people were to sit there talking about “the soda industry” or “the sneaker industry”, while intending those comments to be directed at only a subset of those industries, while being cult-like adherents to the rest of it.
education system in red states in intentionally trashed by the gop to keep them thinking that way. in blue states its just neglected/underfunded in some areas. of thousands of people at my HS, the HS made it look like only a small handful are going to succeed in life and basically rubbing in the rest of student bodies face, “look at them and look at you, what do you have to show for it” everyone in the audience rolled thier eyes when they "paraded the high gpa earners, we know were being very condescending.
Woken up? Are you talking about the woke mind virus, you dirty infected communist?
If they choose ignorance, that is on them.
we’re at a hinge point. we don’t have the numbers on the side of sanity to combat the fascists without waking up most of the sleepwalkers. i recommend everyone try to connect with the people around them and talk about what’s really going on
I think many have absolutely zero chance of waking up unless it personally affects themselves or possibly someone they actually care about (children, spouses).
People talk about empathy circles. In my experience, some conservatives seem to pretty much have one person in that circle - themselves. Many at least have their children in there, you’d hope, followed by their siblings/parents, ideally, their spouse.
Honestly, I think so much of politics really comes down that…liberals tend to have a much broader reach in their empathy circle…which probably explains why you see higher numbers of ethical veg*ns among the left, for example - broader empathy circle.
Point to where the choice is? Where in the chain of their disinformation filled lives are they given the chance to choose? They’re villains and victims.
They could have noticed his constant lying during his first term.
They could notice that all the shit they say on the conservative propaganda that they are able to directly observe is false. They don’t even need to know it is all bullshit, there are so many examples of Trump and conservatives saying something and then actively doing the opposite.
Even rural dipshits have opportunities to question the propaganda. Yes, people regularly fall for propaganda, but that doesn’t give them a free pass when it requires them to ignore reality to fall for it.
These are all things that rely on a level of awareness and introspection that these people do not have and that’s 100% by design. Very few of them can ever break free from the programming they’ve endured for they entirety of their lives and the few that do are forever broken trying to deal with the cognitive dissonance of everyday life.
You can’t judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree.
People aren’t fish and I’m going to judge the shit out of people who can’t make basic logical connections like ‘immigrants, minorities, and women are also people’ and ‘maybe I shouldn’t vote for the people who have repeatedly demonstrated they are lying liars’.
Well said.
Nail on the head answer.
If you really want to stop Trump from speed running a fascist takeover, you need to accept that this question isn’t helpful.
The question to ask is, “How can we bring these people over to our side?”
They’re primed and ready. They voted for things to get better (yes, that vote was stupid and ignorant and probably quite bigoted) and instead things are getting worse. Sieze this opportunity. Don’t turn these people away when you could be turning them to the cause.
No, that’s why the dems lost in Nov. Fuck these people, get more people voting and stop chasing the right.
See, absolutely nowhere in any of that did I say “Move your politics right.”
This is a mistake I see a lot of leftists making, and it’s going to be a fatal mistake if it’s not rectified soon.
Dems lose by playing to the centre/right because they move their policies right to appeal to those voters. That’s not remotely similar to what I’m talking about.
You should never compromise. Never. But by being uncompromising, while also being willing to meet people in the places where you share common ground, you can move them left.
That’s exactly why Bernie would have been the right choice, in 2016 and in 2024. Because he’s an uncompromising leftist who understands how to present those leftist ideas outside of just college campuses.
They’re mad about Republicans attacking Medicaid and Social Security. That’s an opportunity to get them thinking about how government programs actually benefit them. They’re mad about the Republicans cutting taxes on the rich at the expense of everyone else. That’s an opportunity to get them thinking about how deeply in thrall to oligarchs the Republicans really are. They’re mad about high grocery prices and stagnant wages. That’s an opportunity to get them thinking about how the government should be focused on helping them out instead of helping Elon Musk out. They’re mad about rich coastal “elites.” That’s an opportunity to get them thinking about how a union would really help them stick it to those elites.
Not all of this will work. But if you’re open to these conversations with enough people, some of it will get through. You have more in common with them than you think.
I’m not asking you to break bread with them, I’m not asking you to be their friend. But if you want to win this fight and save your country, you need everyone you can get on your side.
I feel like there’s a common ground between schadenfreude and outreach to MAGAts that we should find.
You’re right in that this would be the moment that people might change their minds because of the consequences they wrought upon themselves…. But if someone voted for others to get hurt, and instead hurt themselves, there’s humor in that irony.
I agree that we have more in common than not, I point that out to every dipshit I talk to, but the amount of disrespect I’ve personally received when trying to discuss philosophies in good faith is ridiculous, even from family.
Half the time they start shouting angrily and the other half they start gaslighting. It’s truly hard to not outright say “yes you’re a fucking idiot” when someone gets defensive and says “well I guess you think I’m stupid, huh?”
There’s some rage we all collectively need to work through lmao.
I’m not suggesting that all Trump voters are reachable. A lot of them are just straight up bigots and fascists. A lot of them actually want all the vile shit he’s doing. Yes, maybe those ones might have a come to Jesus moment if they realise how much he’s fucking them with his giveaways to the rich, but it’s a harder lift because they’re still getting a lot of the things they want.
The people I’m talking about, the ones primed to turn against him, are the ones who promised themselves that all the vile stuff wouldn’t actually happen, that it was just rhetoric, or smears by the leftist press or whatever. That he wasn’t actually going to start self-destructive trade wars and deport all immigrants, and that he really truly would lower the price of eggs. A sizeable number of those voters do exist, sizeable enough that its worth having them on board.
I’m not saying anyone has to like or forgive any of these people, even the ones who voted out of ignorance or fear. But you need them on your side. You need everyone you can get.
I disagree. A lot of people moved away from kamala because she accepted dick Cheneys endorsement. People don’t go out and vote because the dems are viewed the same as republicans because they do a terrible job of calling the bad people bad people. I have no interest in “winning” the vote of someone that voted for Trump in 2024. Replace that vote with 3 new voters.
There’s a significant number of people who voted for both Trump and AOC.
One of the things a lot of leftists are really struggling to grasp is that a very sizeable proportion of Trump voters view Dick Cheney as the enemy. Not because he endorsed Kamala, but because he’s part of “The establishment.”
These people (and I’m talking about a segment of recent Trump voters here, not all them; there are plenty that are just bigots and fascists) don’t really vote in a way that actually aligns with their political views. They vote against business as usual, and that means they vote for whoever promises to burn it all down. If a firebrand leftist can inspire them, they’ll vote for that firebrand leftist.
That’s a person who can be reached. That’s a person who just needs help developing greater political literacy. The bigots and the fascists can get fucked, don’t waste your time with them.
I just don’t know even how to address these type of people that think Hillary or Biden or Kamala is “the establishment” and Bronzo the Clown is not.
As in…what are they using as the definition of this term? If anything, Bronzo the Clown is someone, for his entire life, is someone that has desperately pined to be part of every establishment - the Manhattan elite, the Hollywood elite, even hobnobbing with Russian oligarchs to be accepted by the very, very rich and on and on.
Now that he had a term, I cannot think of anything more establishment than that. These people must be twisting the term “the establishment” in the same way they do for the term “elite” [1]. It doesn’t seem to align with the actual meaning of that term in the way most people use it, nor does it seem to be consistent. Meaning, as long as someone talks like a total dumbass and talks about grabbing women by the pussy because they “let him” because he’s rich and famous, he’s not establishment? I cannot think of anything more establishment than an entitled rich old piece of shit sexually assaulting women and then bragging about it.
Or maybe it’s the old Subgenius saying: “Act like a dumbshit and they’ll treat you like an equal.” Bronzo definitely checks that box - acting like a dumbshit.
[1] Elite used to mean the obscenely wealthy and mostly is about that set of people, in typical usage. In the usage the cons have worked so hard to make common “elites” seem to be about intellectuals, experts, and the educated, even if they have no money and almost no influence - like your professor next door, or the guy you work with that happens to accept the science on viruses, vaccines, global warming and evolution…those people are “elites”, but an Elon, because he trolls the libs (but is nearing trillionaire status), is not.
You’re over thinking it. You’re right, but you’re missing what’s really happening because it’s so much simpler than that. They think he’s not part of the establishment for one very simple reason; he refuses to respect the establishment.
He doesn’t kowtow to norms. He doesn’t talk the way politicians are expected to talk. He doesn’t act the way politicians are expected to act. And he doesn’t respect the established institutions (which, in Trump’s case, means he’s actively trying to destroy those institutions in order to centralize power).
This explains why they don’t care that he’s trampling over the rule of law, bypassing Congress, burning down Federal institutions. They see those as necessary things, because decades of political inaction have left them poorer and the rich richer.
And, crucially, this is an opinion that progressives share. How many people on left were screaming at Biden to ditch the filibuster and pack the supreme court? Both actions that would have disrespected establishment norms for the sake of real change? How many people have been screaming at the Dems to stop reaching across the aisle, despite that being the established way of doing business in government?
These people want radical change, not business as normal. It’s no accident that Bernie was on a hot streak in 2016 just like Trump was. Both were outsider candidates who promised to radically shake up their parties visions for the future. The GOP saw where the wind was blowing and hitched their wagon, the Dems refused. So the GOP won.
They’re willing to embrace Trump’s terrible ideas because they assume that they’re not actually terrible ideas (and because they heavily apply the Shirley Exception. The guy is rich, they’re not, therefore they figure he must be pretty smart. And hey, it’s not their job to figure out the right answers, that’s the job of the people they elect. But the important thing is that those be anything other than business as usual, because the one thing they can say for sure is that business as usual has fucked them good and hard. And on that particular point they’re absolutely right.
These people aren’t going to listen to Liberals who they all paint as radical communists. They see Liberals as even worse.
Change for them is going to have to come from conservative voices who want to take back their party with a new tea party type movement and replacing magats.
The people who paint all Liberals as radical communists aren’t the people you’re trying to reach. Don’t make the mistake of assuming all Trump voters are a monolith, they’re not. Remember, there was a sizeable crossover in people who voted for Trump and voted for AOC.
they voted for a culture war and bigotry, not realized they were being brainwashed by the same billionaires telling them otherwise.
Some of them voted for culture war. Some of them voted for cheaper eggs. Painting his voters as a monolith feels good, but it’s self defeating.
He hates the same people they hate, and they’re willing to get hurt as long as those people are, too.
“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting” said dumbfuck malignant Trump voter the last time around before doing the exact same thing again. They for sure care about pain, but they love the pain of others more than they’ll ever remember who caused their own.
maybe, i’m not sure. but those stats up there suggest maybe they are not willing to sacrifice themselves after all. i hope we can help them understand that society doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game, which is what i think many of them have believed.
Because they have shit for brains and do not think for themselves, they just do what they are told
Sin is not a sufficient explanation for human behavior.
Well, when Trump was speaking to them about how much he was going to hurt others, they heard that.
But when Trump was talking to the others about how much he was going to hurt them, they didn’t hear that.
Trump told everybody what they wanted to hear. None of them heard what he was really saying.
Because they live in lala land. They will do anything but blame themselves.
My brother is almost 40. Severely obeses. Unemployed. And on assistance. He loves Trump and Musk. Every time they do something to fuck someone over? He goes ape shit like it’s the best thing in the world. He’s so happy. Because he doesn’t understand that he’s literally in the demographic that they refer to as worthless. He’s the sponge on benefits that they hate and he literally cannot recognize or reconcile that fact…
It’s so fucking wild to witness.
I know a person like this. Another person who’s a leftist who lives overseas and apparently doesn’t like trump but thinks the dems are worse and repeats trump rhetoric like it’s gospel. Oh and also is a Putin apologist (seems to be a lot of crossover there).
And one more who is actually Canadian but somehow still a MAGA manosphere incel and says most of what trump says he will do is fake news, until he does it and then he gaslights and comes up with excuses. No accountability for daddy trump or his little boys.
i bet hes on type 2 diabetes medication, like insulin, and HBP meds, and high cholesterol meds,.
Everytime I see one of these posts I scream to myself “What did they think they were getting?!” We knew who Trump was and what he was going to do.
Your knowledge base isn’t their knowledge base.
They’re experiencing the same effect we do here on Lemmy or over on Reddit. Silo-ing. Echo chambering.
I’ve tried sharing links with my people. The response is often “I’m not reading that fake shit.”
Your knowledge base isn’t their knowledge base. Breaking those walls is a key component of the fix for this.
ETA: No big gotcha in this cast it’s just basic info. The guy who runs it isn’t formerly trained, just keen on cognitive science. He started out mid 2010s with casts that could do well in a cog sci class, like the next incarnation of Tom Gillovich’s How We Know What Isn’t So. Great stuff. Then he lost himself in philosophical psych for a bit. Now he does pointed research topics with interviews.
Anyway, this may be what you’re looking for:
i heard reddit have been very aggressive in banning linked comments now. in any case, either they say they arnt reading a fake “source”, or they keep asking for a source .
Sure but it’s more this idea that everyone voting (or not) has the same knowledge base. Reading/listening, digesting, etc takes a lot of time and energy and many people have neither once they’re done with their jobs and kids for the day.
I’m old and people are what I do, so there’s little extra effort on my part.
To be like: how could they vote MAGA, knowing this, is not much different than saying: what do you mean you hired a guy to replace that window, you could’ve saved $500 doing it yourself, to someone who has never in their life installed a window.
You may know how to replace an existing window but that doesn’t mean I do. Assuming shared knowledge is usually a bad play.
100 percent of Trump voters are morons
Not exactly morons. I know a super smart guy who is one of them. They lack critical thinking and integrity rather than intelligence. Also quite a lot of them seem to be conspiracy theorists outside of the MAGA stuff, so I’d bet there’s a high incidence of psychosis related mental illness.
i used 2 follow some asian tubers," college educated", but dumb as rocks in regards to politics and news, just spouting misinformed outdated right wing talking points, then over the pandemic a controversy occured and they fell in with the maga crowd and they just sound like your lame low informed trumper, funny thing it was the women keeping them honest, and in check, and researching articles, when they got rid of them all the men start thirsting for trump, and they “couldnt understand why influencers wouldnt collaborate with them”, and they had to reuse old jokes, and materials and nobody “asianfluencers” and those 2influnecers i talked about are exactly like your person, deep into conspiracies during covid, also had a southern right winger peddling this sht to them constantly(often with subtle jabs) most older fans agreed that the southerner was the blame for thier shift to hard-right from being moderate right.
Yeah, seems familiar. There’s no substance to these people and I wonder if anything they ever do is just an ego trip.
I was reminded by what you said of the guy I know saying stuff like ‘I want to be famous’ and I asked what for and he didn’t know… Just wanted to be famous. I was puzzled. I mean he didn’t want to be successful at something he was passionate about, which would be understandable, just famous for anything? Idk, I couldn’t understand it.
And wanting to be treated the same as other people even though they’re super toxic… I know that he was somewhat charismatic and had started a social type group which got a bit popular, then he later got kicked out of his own group - by women members. I don’t know the full story there but I could guess.
probably the boomers on medicare that cant afford INSURANCE OTHERWISE. and additionally for low income who are on TYPE 2 diabetes medications.
Because the only other option kept saying things were fine…
In 2020, there was a different candidate who said things were fine, he lost…
In 2016, a different candidate said things were fine, she lost…
There’s a trend there. Life sucks for a lot of Americans, and it’s sucked for a long time. But we still only have two options, so it’s just going to flip between the parties every four years.
Incumbent says everything is great, and loses.
You can break a lot of shit in four years, more than someone can fix in four years. So overall shit will keep getting worse, unless we can actually run a candidate who can make progress in four years, then run for re-election and openly admit that shit is still fucked and it’s gonna take a while to fix it.
Which shouldn’t be such a huge ask…